Episode 49: Stocking Stuffers & Christmas Treats

This year's holiday podcast looks back at last year's Christmas video, Stocking, and we talk about the Christmas treats our families enjoy, their history, and their etymology. All you could ever want to know about plum pudding and tourtiere, along with the story of St Nick himself. (PS: since the recording, I've seen indications that the 'mincepie ban' by the Puritans may be a myth, but Christmas celebrations in general definitely were banned, and mincepies and plum puddings were strongly associated with observances of the holiday, so were presumably included.)

Show Notes

Reindeer video

Merchandise (CafePress Site)

Stocking video

Gerry Bowler, The World Encyclopedia of Christmas

Bruce David Forbes, Christmas: A Candid History

Desmond Morris, Christmas Watching

Andrea Broomfield, Food and Cooking in Victorian England: A History

Kaufman, Cathy. “The Ideal Christmas Dinner.” Gastronomica, vol. 4, no. 4, 2004, pp. 17–24. 

Leach, Helen. “Translating the 18th Century Pudding.” Islands of Inquiry: Colonisation, Seafaring and the Archaeology of Maritime Landscapes, edited by Geoffrey Clark et al., vol. 29, ANU Press, 2008, pp. 381–396. 

History of shortbread.

Canadian Encyclopedia "Tourtière"

Lemasson, Jean-Pierre. "The Long History of the Tourtière of Quebec's Lac-St-Jean", in What's to Eat? Entrees in Canadian Food History, edited by Nathalie Cooke, McGill-Queens UP, 2009.

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Episode 31: #CreateICG

It's #CreateICG Week! A bunch of internet creators are putting out videos, podcasts, blogs, & more, all on the theme of CREATE – with all sorts of different approaches and interpretations. The event is centred around the Internet Creators Guild, a non-profit organization with a mission to support, represent, and connect creators whose primary platform is online. If you’d like to find out more about them, you can go to internetcreatorsguild.com – and to find more amazing creations by ICG members, search #CreateICG on your social media of choice, check our show notes for links, or go to createicg.wordpress.com for lists of creators and their works.

In this episode we talk about the etymology of CREATE, the origin of breakfast, how mealtimes moved around the day, the history of theatrical and artificial lighting, and Greek and Norse creation myths -- including the story of the body-fluid-filled mead of inspiration!

Show Notes


"Create: Myth, Mealtimes, & Matinées" video

#CreateICG YouTube Playlist

Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology

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Episode 25: Twelve Days

Episode 24: Talking Turkey

Episode 18: Beer

All about beer! From experiments in baking bread with the leftovers from brewing beer to the etymology of beery words, and the complicated question of how fizzy beer has been through the ages.  We follow up on questions raised in our Loaf podcast, and get some tips from other foodie podcasters.

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Our Patreon page -- and thank you to all our Patreon supporters!

Show Notes

Recreating Egyptian Bread by @miguelesquirol

The Feast Podcast Episode 3: The Medieval Michelin Guide: Finding Food on the Camino de Santiago, 1490

Recipe for medieval trencher bread and recipe for spent grain tea biscuits, via @Feast_Podcast

Our experiment making bread from leftover beer sludge

Gastropod: Everything Old is Brew Again

Posts on traditional Peruvian beer and traditional South African beer via @beervana

Sources for history of barrels: here & here.

Artificial carbonation of beer & cask and bottle conditioning via @Gastropodcast

Episode 17: Loaf

We talk about words for bread and the close connection between "loaf" and lords, ladies, and dairy-maids, then turn to the history of baking bread and our adventures with sourdough, baking Pompeian bread, and brewing beer.

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Our Patreon page -- and thank you to all our Patreon supporters!

Show Notes

Turkish language website
Stack Brewing
"Loaf" video
Re-creating the Pompeii loaf video

Our picture of bread from the ROM Pompeii exhibit.

Our picture of bread from the ROM Pompeii exhibit.

A loaf of Pompeian bread from the British Museum

A loaf of Pompeian bread from the British Museum

Our attempt to recreate Pompeian bread:

Episode 15: Stephen Le

We talk to Stephen Le about his book 100 Million Years of Food: What Our Ancestors Ate and Why It Matters Today, and his efforts to use an understanding of evolution to help us decide what to eat. We chat about what it means to "eat what your ancestors ate", the cultural history of food, and his wide-ranging travels in search of traditional foods to try--especially insects! 

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Show Notes

Stephen's Website

Our Patreon page

And thank you to our Patreon supporters: 

Carlos Solis
Valerie Polichar
Lukas Hägele
Evermore Anon
Ian & Susan McMaster
Chantal Sundaram
Sean Soderman

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Episode 14: Cocktail

We chat about possible origins for the cocktail, and the crazy stories about the word's origin. We also tell the tale of our first cocktail party, that sparked our interest in them and led to the cocktail video series. Do you enjoy drinking or mixing cocktails? Where did your interest in them start? Do you have a favourite? Let us know in the comments, or tweet us: @alliterative or @avensarah.

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Show Notes

The Cocktail video Part One & Part Two

Our Patreon page

And thank you to our Patreon supporters: Valerie Polichar, Lukas Hägele, Evermore Anon, Ian & Susan McMaster, Carlos Solis, and Chantal Sundaram.

Our other podcast: As We Like It

Tom Collins video

Old Fashioned recipe

Sazerac recipe

David Wondrich


Let’s Drink About It podcast

Cocktail video playlist

Teapot cocktail shakers

Pictures from our Cocktail Party over the years:

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Episode 5: Janice Liedl

A conversation with Dr. Janice Liedl, history prof at Laurentian University, about fandoms, science fiction, Star Wars and Star Trek, a treason trial in the time of Henry VIII, and how history and the study of history connect to all of it.

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