Episode 28: Coach, or The History (& Future?) of Education

We trace the history of 'coach' back to its Hungarian roots, and explore its connections to the development of higher education in Europe. Then we run through a capsule history of the goals (stated and unstated!) of education from classical Athens to today, and discuss how the new world of online learning, including YouTube and podcasts, fits into the ideals and best practices of the future of education. Please let us know about all the things we over-simplified, left out, or got wrong in the process of covering almost 3000 years of western European schooling, and weigh in on where you see things heading now!

Show Notes

"Coach" video

CGP Grey's video  “Digital Aristotle”

Veritasium's video “This Will Revolutionize Education”

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This podcast episode on YouTube

Episode 25: Twelve Days

Episode 24: Talking Turkey

Episode 22: Jack o'Lantern

In our Halloween episode we discuss the origins of the holiday, the etymology of Jack o'Lantern, the Canadian connections to trick-or-treating, and the great pumpkin scandal of 2016, and we read a Roman poem about witches scared off by a wooden fertility god.

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The podcast on YouTube

Our Patreon page

Show Notes

@HumCommCasters & @HumCommVids

Snopes.com pumpkin article

Horace Satires 1.8

"Costume" video

Episode 19: Beef

We chat about the Norman French influence on Anglo-Saxon words for animals and meat, the powerful emotional and political aspects of the words we use for food, and then delve into Latin technical terms for farmyard animals, ending off with Virgil's pastoral poems, the Eclogues.

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Google Play Music link

Our Patreon page -- and thank you to all our Patreon supporters!

Show Notes

Classy Little Podcast

Roman Colour Thesaurus – Caroline Lawrence (Roman Mysteries)


Beefeater cocktails

Episode 17: Loaf

We talk about words for bread and the close connection between "loaf" and lords, ladies, and dairy-maids, then turn to the history of baking bread and our adventures with sourdough, baking Pompeian bread, and brewing beer.

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Google Play Music link

Our Patreon page -- and thank you to all our Patreon supporters!

Show Notes

Turkish language website
Stack Brewing
"Loaf" video
Re-creating the Pompeii loaf video

Our picture of bread from the ROM Pompeii exhibit.

Our picture of bread from the ROM Pompeii exhibit.

A loaf of Pompeian bread from the British Museum

A loaf of Pompeian bread from the British Museum

Our attempt to recreate Pompeian bread:

Episode 14: Cocktail

We chat about possible origins for the cocktail, and the crazy stories about the word's origin. We also tell the tale of our first cocktail party, that sparked our interest in them and led to the cocktail video series. Do you enjoy drinking or mixing cocktails? Where did your interest in them start? Do you have a favourite? Let us know in the comments, or tweet us: @alliterative or @avensarah.

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Stitcher link

Show Notes

The Cocktail video Part One & Part Two

Our Patreon page

And thank you to our Patreon supporters: Valerie Polichar, Lukas Hägele, Evermore Anon, Ian & Susan McMaster, Carlos Solis, and Chantal Sundaram.

Our other podcast: As We Like It

Tom Collins video

Old Fashioned recipe

Sazerac recipe

David Wondrich


Let’s Drink About It podcast

Cocktail video playlist

Teapot cocktail shakers

Pictures from our Cocktail Party over the years:

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Episode 13: Album

The etymology of "album" leads to an in-depth conversation about the Latin words for "white", the many terms for "shining" in proto-Indo-European, and the connection between the Beatles and medieval German students. And we drink White Ladies. 

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Stitcher link

Show Notes

Album video

The White Lady cocktail
Sappho poem 31
The Adidas jacket

Our Patreon page

And thank you to our Patreon supporters: Valerie Polichar, Lukas Hägele, Evermore Anon, Ian & Susan McMaster, Carlos Solis, and Chantal Sundaram.

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Episode 11: Cuckold

We discuss the origin of the word ‘Cuckold’, its connection to Valentine’s Day, its modern meaning, and the development of the modern idea of romantic love. Sexual fetishes, horned animals, Chaucer, Jane Austen, and Ovid all make it into the conversation--while we sip some Valentine's Day themed cocktails.

Show Notes

Our Patreon page

Thank you to our Patreon supporters: Valerie Polichar, Lukas Hägele, Evermore Anon, and Ian & Susan McMaster

The Smitten Shine

Love Cocktail

Our Cafepress store

The Horny Cock Valentine's Day Card

The "Cuckold" video

The "Sublime" video

"My Cuckoo Valentine" blog post

Claire McEachern, “Why Do Cuckolds Have Horns?” Huntington Library Quarterly 71. 4 (2008): 607-631.

The article about the capons with spurs grafted to their head is by A.W. Kozelka in the Journal of Heredity, 1929. UPDATE: The article has now been scanned in, here's the picture: 

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Episode 8: Yule

Episode 7: The Story of Narrative

We chat about stories, myth, and cognition -- and some of the ways narrative shapes our understanding of the world around us. Includes more Doctor Who talk, and some Latin and Old English.

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Stitcher link

Show Notes

The Story of Narrative Video

Narrative Matters conference

The Latin word novi, from nosco

"The Storytelling Animal" by Jonathan Gottschall

Nerdcon Stories

Persephone cocktail

As We Like It: A podcast about film adaptations of Shakespeare

Episode 6: Paddle Your Own Canoe

Episode 2: A Detective Story

We discuss and play "A Detective Story" (6'40'' - 20'40''), touching on Sir Gawain, Sherlock Holmes, memory palaces, and other ways to remember things.