Episode 11: Cuckold

We discuss the origin of the word ‘Cuckold’, its connection to Valentine’s Day, its modern meaning, and the development of the modern idea of romantic love. Sexual fetishes, horned animals, Chaucer, Jane Austen, and Ovid all make it into the conversation--while we sip some Valentine's Day themed cocktails.

Show Notes

Our Patreon page

Thank you to our Patreon supporters: Valerie Polichar, Lukas Hägele, Evermore Anon, and Ian & Susan McMaster

The Smitten Shine

Love Cocktail

Our Cafepress store

The Horny Cock Valentine's Day Card

The "Cuckold" video

The "Sublime" video

"My Cuckoo Valentine" blog post

Claire McEachern, “Why Do Cuckolds Have Horns?” Huntington Library Quarterly 71. 4 (2008): 607-631.

The article about the capons with spurs grafted to their head is by A.W. Kozelka in the Journal of Heredity, 1929. UPDATE: The article has now been scanned in, here's the picture: 

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Patreon Announcement

A quick announcement: We've joined Patreon!

We've set up a campaign page, to ask for support for our videos and podcasts. If you don't know Patreon, it's a community that allows creators to ask their audiences for financial support, in order to help them continue creating. It's set up for continuous support; people pledge monthly amounts (or amounts per creation), and that money goes directly to the creator.

We're not changing anything about how we produce and release the videos and podcasts, but if you're interested in perhaps contributing a little money to help us with expenses, and with making my video and podcast work sustainable, please check it out!

Patreon page for The Endless Knot


Thank you!

Episode 10: James Andean

We chat to musician and sound artist James Andean about acousmatic music, interdisciplinary improvisation, the role of narrative in music, and, inevitably, Star Wars. And make sure you listen to the piece by James that he graciously allowed us to include at the end!

We found this conversation fascinating, as it explores areas of music we didn't know much about, but also showed us some unforeseen overlaps between our own interests and the seemingly very different areas that James works in. A great example of unexpected connections around us!

Also, although we don't mention it on the podcast, we've just launched a Patreon campaign, to help us support our podcasting and the videos we make, so please take a moment to check that out. Thanks.

iTunes link

Stitcher link

Show Notes

James Andean's website

James on Twitter

James on Facebook

The picture of Mars in various seasons drawn by our 5-year-old while listening to "Maledetta" 

The picture of Mars in various seasons drawn by our 5-year-old while listening to "Maledetta"


Episode 9: The Force Awakens

Dark & Light Side light sabres?!

Dark & Light Side light sabres?!

We talk about the ways Star Wars: The Force Awakens connects to Classical epic, myth, and Norse sagas, and literary and theoretical aspects of the movie, while we drink some starry cocktails. Spoilers!

(Also, I say "Empire" but mean "Jedi" at least once. Sorry. Please don't hate me. -- Aven)

iTunes link

Stitcher link

Show Notes

The Blue Star Cocktail

The Star Cocktail

"The new ‘Star Wars’ isn’t a rip-off, it’s a classical epic" by Joseph A Howley

Hello Internet episode about Star Wars

History Hits episode with Janice Liedl about Star Wars and History


Episode 8: Yule

Episode 7: The Story of Narrative

We chat about stories, myth, and cognition -- and some of the ways narrative shapes our understanding of the world around us. Includes more Doctor Who talk, and some Latin and Old English.

iTunes link

Stitcher link

Show Notes

The Story of Narrative Video

Narrative Matters conference

The Latin word novi, from nosco

"The Storytelling Animal" by Jonathan Gottschall

Nerdcon Stories

Persephone cocktail

As We Like It: A podcast about film adaptations of Shakespeare

Episode 6: Paddle Your Own Canoe

Episode 5: Janice Liedl

A conversation with Dr. Janice Liedl, history prof at Laurentian University, about fandoms, science fiction, Star Wars and Star Trek, a treason trial in the time of Henry VIII, and how history and the study of history connect to all of it.

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Episode 4: Carpe Diem!

File 2015-08-30, 8 55 27 PM.jpeg

A special episode, recorded at the cottage! We chat about unplugging, the etymology of 'harvest', poetry, and what to call a group of loons.

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Episode 3: From Plato to Pluto

Episode 2: A Detective Story

We discuss and play "A Detective Story" (6'40'' - 20'40''), touching on Sir Gawain, Sherlock Holmes, memory palaces, and other ways to remember things.